Monthly Archives: June 2017

Matariki (Puanga) Celebrations 2017

Open Whānau Day – Saturday 24th June, 11am – 1pm

For the remainder of Term 2 we will be celebrating Matariki/Puanga which indicates the change of season in particular winter.

Matariki is the name of the cluster of stars known as the Pleiades, but Puanga is the star that we see from the West Coast.

We are planning various activities to this special celebration that has become known as the Māori New Year. It is recognised as the time of harvest and the sharing of kai.

We would like to invite all whānau (Nana, Grandads, mums, dads, brothers and sisters who do not normally get to see the Kindergarten/Kura to come and experience some of the activities that the Kindergarten children do, and share some kai with us.

The children will be making soup during the week to share with you and we have been making feijoa muffins that have been frozen to bring out on the day.

If you would like to bring some kai to share with others that would be great.

Matariki 2017